
How to grow long hair fast

How to quickly grow long hair - the long-haired journalist of the magazine Lita on his experience tells how to grow long hair and whether you can do it quickly.

The fact that I was asked to write an article on "How to quickly grow long hair ", made ​​me mixed feelings. Yes, I have revised the longest hair (yes, colleagues envy once again), and I know how these same long hair grow. But because the people want to grow rapidly, and quickly, as they say, only cat breed. There are still some nuances. So I will say at once - my article will be on how to grow long hair, and they quickly you grow or not, I do not know, because the organisms are different.

Start talking about how fast to grow long hair, have a small digression. Just for a moment forget that we are talking about the hair. What you need to do to quickly grow something ? That's right, time to plant, water and nutrients to make. Well, with you our hair on the head of someone already planted, and good care and nutrients they need to provide us that they are healthy.

Attention ! This is an extremely important point! Sick or grow hair fast, slow or impossible. To grow long hair, they have to be healthy. Otherwise just will not grow, they have no strength. So before you grow long hair, you will need to decide whether you have any problems with the hair. If there is, we first solve them, then think about long hair. Because even a problem such as split ends, just do not give you a fast grow long hair because they will always flake and you will be forced to cut them. This is a Sisyphean task, it is absolutely useless. I lost two years until it realized, do not repeat my mistakes.

Your hair healthy? Then go ahead by leaps and bounds, we will quickly grow long hair.

1. How to grow long hair fast - food inside and out

As we have already decided, without nutrients to grow long hair is impossible. And the food must be carried out both inside and outside. Outside - it lotions, creams and masks to stimulate hair growth. They can be bought at the store or make your own. If you want my opinion, I prefer the masks that I do myself - I know what they are made, all natural, no chemicals. They will be the slightly lower. But some lotions and hair masks, as they say, will not be fed. To quickly grow long hair, they need special food, the menu - on our site already has an article on the subject, called "Vitamins for hair growth and beauty." Her announcement you will find under the article, then see, and I still have something to tell you.

2. How to quickly grow long hair - care secrets

Can not believe it, but many women, trying to quickly grow long hair, so actively care for them, that they are not something that does not grow, and begin to fall out. Well, imagine you have planted onions, and every day his feathers back and forth yank, well, will it grow. Of course not. Therefore, to grow long hair, hair care need regularly, but without going over. So.

 Massage the scalp - one every three days
 Masks for hair growth - one every three days
 contrast bath to strengthen the roots and hair growth - one every three days.

And just a few words about the contrast bath, although it is the third on the list. That's because you and I will leave the mask on and we can lose this information, which is not desirable - I think the contrast bath excellent means to help those who want to quickly otratit long hair. Remember, the first article I talked about the health of the hair, so that's exactly what they will support. So, type in a basin of warm water, nice hair, dip it in a minute pomassazhiruyte head and hair. Then quickly turn cold water, add it to the bowl to keep the water in it was cool head under the water again and again a minute massage. Repeat this twice, for a total switching all it will take you five minutes. Blot the hair, twist in a towel and let podsohnut.Vse ! Every three days.

3. How to quickly grow long hair - head massage

There are entire schools that are coming up, how to massage your hair to grow faster than they were strong and healthy. You can search for them online, but I never looked. He massage that I invented myself, I was happy, because he helped me to grow long hair, his performance I see in the mirror every day. So, is it before washing the head, the length of it - about 15-20 minutes. I hand lightly grease with olive oil - it is convenient, other oils have on masks. Movements of all three.

  • First - a little hair at the roots taking into fists, pull them slightly. Pull, I say, and not tear, I 'll let you know))) It is only slightly stretch the hair roots. Gradually move the entire scalp. 5 minutes.
  • The second movement for those who want to achieve hair growth, even easier - dry wash. That is, we pretend that my hair, but without water. The task - to achieve the appearance of the hands and scalp sensation of heat. Again, do not tear and we press, gradually " washed out " each hair section. Time is the same.
  • The third act best of all - start stroking himself. Direction - from the top down. Only pat on the head, if the hair fall down below, they do not touch. Here you are, if you want to grow long hair, you can push down more, but not pain. 5 minutes - at first strongly, then weaker, and the last minute, as you pet or child lover - very softly and gently.

All massage is finished. Then you can either wash your hair, or wait to wash and put on them a special mask for hair growth, factory or home. Shoplifting - it's your choice, but about the home you are ready to tell me.

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