
Masks for oily hair

Masks for oily hair — it is an integral cosmetic procedure in the care of oily hair at home.

Masks for oily hair are very popular because oily hair need special attention and proper care. All those who know the type of hair greasy, unkempt hair is what literally in one day. Therefore, in the home using a shampoo for oily hair does not solve the problem, besides frequent shampooing only brings harm to oily hair. Come to the aid homemade mask for oily hair.
At home masks for oily hair two objectives — to reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and remove excess fat from the hair. Therefore, the recipes of masks for oily hair often include alcohol and acidic ingredients, it is quite aggressive components of hair. Therefore, to mask for oily hair at home benefited and helped solve the problem of greasy hair, they must be used correctly.
Terms of use of masks for oily hair.
  1. Masks for oily hair should be well rubbed into the scalp about 5-7 minutes, then make a poultice made ​​of polyethylene ( suitable shower cap) and towels or warm scarf / shawl.
  2. If you have oily hair roots and dry ends, arabio.ru advises the mask for oily hair to apply exclusively to the roots and tips of warm oil to grease ( the course is any).
  3. Wash off the mask for oily hair only with warm water, about 36-37 degrees, hot water triggers the sebaceous glands.
  4. Apply the mask for oily hair regularly 1-2 times a week for a month, then in the prevention of 1-2 times every two weeks. The only way you can solve the problem of oily hair and make beautiful and easy.

Mustard mask for oily hair growth

Mustard is widely used to stimulate hair growth, and in conjunction with the clay removes fat content increased, so is used for very oily hair. To mask — dissolve 2 tablespoons. liter. dry mustard 4 tbsp. liter. of warm water, add 3 tbsp. liter. clay ( for oily hair is well-suited black and green clay), and one teaspoon of melted honey and lemon juice. Apply on the scalp and hair, soak for 30-40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo for oily hair. I must say that mustard masks — one of the most effective masks for oily hair, so under article you will find the announcement of a special material on the mustard masks for oily hair.

Nourishing mask for oily hair with oils

Vegetable oils and cosmetics, combined with the juice of citrus fruits are able to organize the work of the sebaceous glands and further saturate the hair with vitamins, so it is recommended for thin oily hair. Mix 1 tbsp. liter. olive, almond, peach and burdock oil (you can use the oil that is «at hand»), add 1 tbsp. liter. citrus juice (orange, lemon or grapefruit) and apply on the scalp and hair. Hold for 40 minutes, then wash your hair. Suitable for oily hair masks and other recipes with oils, announcements look at this material.

Kefir mask for oily hair

This mask is a mask treatment for oily hair. The structure includes not only the yogurt, but the active essential oils, the effect of which is aimed at normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands. On the floor of a glass of kefir (or yogurt) is 3 drops of essential oils of bergamot, rosemary and citrus ( lemon, grapefruit and orange). Rub the mixture well into the scalp and leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Honey mask for oily hair strengthening

Greasy hair tend to fall out, so the need to strengthen the hair follicle, for these purposes is suitable mask with honey. By 2 tbsp. liter. melted, add 1 tablespoon of honey. liter. aloe juice, 1 tsp. squeeze of lemon juice and a clove of garlic. Mix well and apply on the scalp, the hair loose brush with oil, hold 30 minutes. This mask is applied before washing the hair.

Egg mask for oily hair

Well suited for oily hair roots, so the product is applied only to the scalp and mainly on clean hair. 1-2 egg yolks with a fork to mash the formation of white foam, add 1 tsp. water and an alcohol (available vodka). Apply the product to your head and hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Gelatin mask for oily hair

The gelatinous mask will strengthen and give the volume a thin greasy hair, and special ingredients will adjust the sebaceous ducts of the scalp. Dissolve 2 tablespoons. liter. gelatin in ½ cup of water in a water bath. After the cooled mixture add 1 tsp. lemon juice and a piece of crumb of bread. All stir so that the mixture has turned the consistency of thick cream, then apply to hair. Hold for 40-60 minutes, then rinse. All recipes gelatin masks you can see on a reference below.

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